Thursday, March 13, 2008


Have you ever encountered tits that were just begging for trouble?


Jocasta said...

Very nice job with the clothespins!

Bittersweet said...


(i've gotta try that sometime)

Anonymous said...

The foot has sort of taken a back seat in this one, I must say. P.S. My tatas ache just looking at that.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever encountered tits that were just begging for trouble?

No. Why? Have you?!

Anonymous said...

yowza. looks too painful for me. gotta applaud someone who can take that many clothespins.

kinkandculture said...

that reminds me. i need to do laundry.

Anonymous said...

Very nicely symmetrical. But you know... it's not have them on that hurts, it's having them taken off, and all the blood rushing suddenly back. Ouch.