Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Shouts Out

Pigeons have nested outside my window. Must be Spring.

And with Spring comes not only baby pigeons, but baby sex bloggers and sex blogs. Let’s note a few:

First of all, a very happy birthday to Audacia Ray, drinking buddy and midwife of my blog. She’s twenty-six now. Funny—during all the decades I have known her, she seems to have only one birthday for every two that come my way.

Also this week—specifically yesterday—marks the blogoversary of my dear Meg’s Tales of a Teacher (And Slut). She very sweetly took that opportunity to commemorate the night we meet, Valentine’s Day 2005, when Shelby decided that her best friend and her boyfriend should be having sex with one another.

A couple of noteworthy blogs have newly hatched in our orbit. Take a look, won’t you? Tell ‘em Jefferson sent you.

Tales of a Naughty Nurse in NYC is written by a friend of mine who charts her adventures as a single submissive in the city. She sings, she drinks bourbon and yeah, like I said, we’re friends, so you never know when I might pop in over at her place.

The Glengarry Leads began when a reader realized that while there are many blogs about sex work from the perspective of providers, there seem to be very few written by johns. He is no longer a client, but his tales take you back to Los Angeles at the end of the late century.

And then there is my Marla Jo.

Longtime readers will remember the ultra-fem Brooklyn cookie who taught gentle me how to rough up the ladies to good effect. Now and then, she graces the blogs with her views on being a good person with a wicked libido. She’s back once more at My Pleasure, My Pain. Dig in deep and enjoy it while you can—if history is any guide, she may well yank away her blog once you are good and hooked.

I have more blogs to share, but all in good time.



Hot Lips Houlihan said...

(aka Naughty Nurse)

Thanks for the shout-out and the linkage, Jefferson. Now that I have properly installed stat counter, I should see that number go through the roof! Wouldn't you just love to be a subject, or, er, object, as it were, in my blog.

Anonymous said...

Nothin' like gettin' a little strange on your johnson every now and again ey Jefferson?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jefferson. I can not believe I've forgotten to add you to my links section.


Anonymous said...

How did your friend get outed?

rose said...

glengarry.....i'll be happy to share that story with you, but not on my coments page. too many prying eyes. i'll send you a note........
